Audi Super Bowl spot for T3 Diesel car Green Police Campaign


The Results


more views on YouTube


media impressions

Top 10

ranked in Super Bowl XLIV Ads for the year in USA Today’s Ad Meter

#1 spot

In the 4th Quarter in USA Today’s Ad Meter

The Ask

Venables Bell and Partners put out a Super Bowl ad for the A3 TDI clean diesel car with a tongue in cheek message from the Green Police- eco warrior enforcers.

We put out teaser videos a week before Super Bowl on the Youtube Channel /greenpolice and to bring viewers to the new channel. The new channel would be hosting the “The Green Police” spot as well as interactive quizzes on making eco-conscious choices.

I coded in-channel annotations- the first of its kind on YouTube at the time of release. Working closing with in-house post production, we made sure the buttons were large, and added gleans to the buttons to bring attention to their “clickablity”. Then similar, but more sophisticated, animation was later used on the Vizio VIA spot featuring Beyonce a year later.

This method has now become standard practice on YouTube following the release of these two campaigns.

This campaign was a participant in Youtube’s AdBlitz Super Bowl 2010 Program.


Case Study Video: Green Police Super bowl Campaign

Audi “Green Police” Superbowl Case Study video

Interactive videos: YouTube Channel content

Final version of Green Police Youtube channel. Posted right after spot aired in the 4th quarter.

Final version of Green Police Youtube channel. Posted right after spot aired in the 4th quarter.


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